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8 ideas for a themed party in your bbq hut

8 ideas for a themed party in your bbq hut

Fancy even more fun in your bbq hut? Nothing like dressing up to do that!

Imagine the scene: a crisp Scottish evening, the air filled with the scent of sizzling meat, a crackling fire at the centre of your very own BBQ hut, and a group of friends or family gathered around, laughter in the air and cheeks rosy from the warmth inside, and maybe a nip of whisky. Now, if you’ve ever been to a BBQ hut, you’ll know it’s a magical little structure, almost like a hobbit’s den but with a meaty twist. These circular wooden huts, complete with cosy seating and a central BBQ, make for the perfect setting for a themed party. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or simply the fact that it’s Tuesday (because why not?), parties in a BBQ hut are the stuff of legend. So let's ramp it up a bit more, with themed bbq hut parties!

1. The Highland Fling Party

What better theme to kick things off than a Highland Fling? It’s a BBQ hut in Scotland, after all! Everyone turns up in their best kilts and tartan (extra points if you’ve got a full-on sporran). This is all about celebrating Scottish culture in the most fun and festive way possible. You’ll have the BBQ sizzling with Scottish classics like venison burgers, haggis-stuffed mushrooms, and maybe even some whisky-glazed salmon – because we all know you can’t go far in Scotland without a hint of whisky, even in your dinner.

For entertainment, a bit of Scottish dancing wouldn’t go amiss. You don’t need to be a professional – half the fun is watching everyone try (and fail) to keep up with the traditional moves. Throw in a ceilidh playlist, and before you know it, Aunt Margaret will be twirling around like a pro, though she’ll probably blame the whisky for any missteps. And speaking of drinks, why not have a selection of local brews and whiskies? A wee dram to keep everyone warm as the night draws in is practically a requirement.

To add to the vibe, hang some tartan bunting, and if you’re feeling particularly crafty, you could make your own mini Loch Ness Monster to sit in the corner, eyeing up the BBQ suspiciously.

2. Vikings in Valhalla

Now, picture this: your BBQ hut transformed into a Viking longhouse. Bear with me here, because a Viking-themed party is not only a crowd-pleaser but a cracking way to make use of that BBQ pit. Think smoked meats, chunky bread, and flagons of ale. Guests can come dressed as Norse warriors, with furs (faux, of course – we don’t want to upset anyone), helmets (with or without the horns, depending on your historical accuracy level), and big, boisterous personalities.

The centrepiece of the meal? A proper Viking feast! Chargrilled meats galore – think lamb skewers, beef ribs, and whole roasted vegetables, the kind of food that’ll make you want to slap the table and roar “Skål!” in pure Viking delight. You could even serve some mead, the ancient honey wine of the Norse, and challenge your guests to down it like true warriors.

Decorate the hut with shields and wooden drinking vessels, maybe even hang a makeshift dragon's head over the doorway. And let’s not forget the Viking games! You could have a go at axe throwing (perhaps a bit tricky indoors, so maybe opt for foam axes), or a tug-of-war to see who’s the mightiest warrior among you.

3. The 1980s Après-Ski Lodge

There’s something deliciously ironic about an après-ski party happening in a BBQ hut, especially when it’s in Scotland, miles away from any actual ski slopes. But who cares about geographical accuracy when you’re in a themed party mood? Transform your BBQ hut into an alpine lodge from the ‘80s, complete with garish ski gear, cheesy Euro-pop tunes, and perhaps even a fake fireplace (though your BBQ will provide more than enough heat).

What’s on the menu, you ask? Fondue, of course! Melted cheese over everything is practically the motto of après-ski life. Have a pot of bubbling cheese on hand to dip bread, veggies, and whatever else your guests desire. Pair that with chargrilled sausages straight off the BBQ, and for dessert, a chocolate fondue with marshmallows and strawberries. The whole thing will feel wonderfully retro and indulgent.

Encourage your guests to come dressed in vintage ski gear – we’re talking neon snowsuits, oversized goggles, and knitted headbands that probably went out of fashion before some of your guests were born. And for those who really want to lean into the après-ski vibe, serve mulled wine or hot chocolate with a generous splash of whisky to warm the cockles.

Orkney rum

4. Pirates of the Scottish Isles

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of… whisky? A pirate-themed party in a BBQ hut might sound a bit wild, but then again, Scottish waters were no stranger to pirates back in the day. This is your chance to don your best tricorn hat, slap on an eye patch, and say “Arrr” more times than necessary.

For the feast, we’re talking pirate food with a BBQ twist. Imagine grilled seafood – prawns, scallops, and maybe even some hearty fish skewers. Pirates weren’t known for their culinary finesse, but hey, we’ve got BBQs now, so no need to rely on hardtack and salted pork. Add in a tropical fruit platter to give it that Caribbean twist, and perhaps a rum cocktail or two for authenticity. And for dessert? Bananas grilled on the BBQ, drizzled with rum caramel – a pirate's dream.

Your BBQ hut will need to look the part, of course. Drape nets and faux treasure chests around the place, scatter some gold coins (chocolate, naturally), and maybe even hang a few skull and crossbones flags to really set the tone. You could organise a treasure hunt, too, sending your guests around the garden to uncover buried loot (aka more drinks).

5. The Great Scottish Bake-Off

For a more laid-back, slightly less sword-wielding experience, how about a Great British Bake-Off inspired party, with a Scottish twist? Your BBQ hut becomes the headquarters for a day of baking, barbecuing, and a healthy dose of competition. Invite your friends to bring their best home-baked goods, but also set a few challenges that involve the BBQ. Who can grill the best shortbread? Can someone make a flawless BBQ-smoked Victoria sponge? The possibilities (and chaos) are endless.

As your guests bring their tartan-clad cakes and BBQ’d bakes, the BBQ itself can be firing up some savoury dishes like sausage rolls, Scotch eggs, or even BBQ’d pies. Because let’s face it, no Scottish gathering is complete without some hearty, puff pastry-covered goodness.

For decorations, think gingham tablecloths, bunting, and of course, a large image of Paul Hollywood giving his famous handshake (extra points if someone dresses up as Mary Berry). Your guests can take turns judging the bakes, giving each other bemused looks and saying things like “a good bake” or “a bit of a soggy bottom”. Prizes could include a bottle of whisky or a fancy cake tin – though really, it’s the glory of winning that counts.

6. Hogmanay BBQ Bash

A New Year’s Eve party like no other, Hogmanay is a big deal in Scotland, and there’s no reason why you can’t ring in the New Year in a BBQ hut, surrounded by your favourite people. It’s the perfect blend of tradition and celebration, with a few BBQ twists thrown in for good measure. Think about it – what better way to warm up a chilly Scottish night than with a roaring BBQ and some fireworks lighting up the sky outside?

This Hogmanay, transform your hut into a festive haven. Serve BBQ classics like grilled sausages and burgers, but also throw in some traditional Scottish fare like black pudding and tattie scones for the ultimate midnight snack. Have a dram of whisky on hand to toast the bells, and don’t forget a glass of bubbly for good measure.

Entertainment-wise, a mix of traditional Scottish music and modern party hits will keep everyone dancing until the early hours. And as the clock strikes midnight, gather everyone outside (with their coats on, of course – it’s Scotland in December!) to watch the fireworks and welcome in the New Year with style.

7. A Day at the Races

Now, this one is for those who fancy a bit of sophistication mixed with BBQ fun. A Day at the Races themed party is all about elegance – or at least pretending to be elegant, while you sneak another sausage off the grill. Guests arrive dressed to the nines, with big hats, fascinators, and suits, ready for an afternoon of BBQ and betting.

While you’re grilling up some fancy BBQ treats – perhaps some marinated steaks or posh skewers – set up a little betting station where your guests can place friendly wagers on toy horse races. No actual horses required, obviously; just wind-up toys or a game of pin the tail on the donkey (if you want to go for the sillier option).

For drinks, why not whip up a batch of Pimms or champagne cocktails to keep things classy? Decorate the BBQ hut with bunting, picnic blankets, and perhaps a few rosettes for the winning bets. And for the ultimate touch, serve afternoon tea-style desserts like BBQ’d scones with clotted cream and jam. It’s the kind of party where you can be fancy, but still tuck into a burger with glee.

8. Retro 1950s Diner BBQ

Finally, let’s end on a retro note with a 1950s diner-themed BBQ party. Transform your BBQ hut into an American-style diner, with red gingham tablecloths, milkshakes, and jukebox hits blaring from the speakers. Everyone comes dressed in their finest rockabilly attire – poodle skirts, leather jackets, and rolled-up jeans.

For the food, serve up BBQ classics like burgers, hot dogs, and thick milkshakes (yes, you can make them even in a BBQ hut with a bit of preparation!). For dessert, nothing beats a BBQ’d banana split or some grilled peaches with ice cream.

Decorate with neon signs, vinyl records on the walls, and maybe even a mini dance floor for some impromptu swing dancing. And, of course, get everyone involved in a classic 1950s dance-off! You can’t have a retro diner party without a bit of rock 'n' roll. Crank up the jukebox with some Elvis, Buddy Holly, and Chuck Berry, and let your guests twist, jive, and boogie the night away. You could even throw in a limbo competition or a hula hoop challenge for some added nostalgia.

And don’t forget the photo booth – set up a corner with vintage props like old-school sunglasses, scarves, and maybe even a fake drive-in backdrop so your guests can snap pictures that look straight out of Grease. Everyone will leave with a full belly, aching feet, and a smile on their face, remembering the night they went back to the fabulous ‘50s.

Let's Go! We've a party to plan!

So, there you have it! Whether you’re spinning around in your kilt at a Highland Fling, channelling your inner Viking, or pretending you’ve just stepped off the slopes of Val d'Isère in the 1980s, your BBQ hut in Scotland is the perfect setting for an unforgettable themed party. With a crackling fire, sizzling food, and a group of friends dressed in ridiculous costumes, you’re guaranteed a night of laughter, good food, and plenty of stories to tell the next day. Mind and send us all the 'clean' photos!