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Where o where shall I put my bbq cabin?

Where o where shall I put my bbq cabin?

Unsure about where to put your bbq cabin? Here are some things to think about that might help.

Positioning a BBQ cabin in your garden requires careful consideration to ensure it enhances your outdoor experience, integrates well with your landscape but most importantly, it works with your family and home. Below are several key factors to consider, including safety, aesthetics, functionality, and local regulations.

1. Safety Considerations

Proximity to Structures: Ensure the BBQ cabin is a safe distance from your home and any other structures. This reduces the risk of fire hazards and prevents smoke from entering your home. Outdoor structures need to be at least 2m from your home as per permitted planning.

Fire Safety: Install the cabin on a non-flammable surface, like concrete or one of our pegged bases. Keep it away from overhanging trees and other flammable materials.

Ventilation: Adequate ventilation is crucial. Make sure the cabin has proper airflow to prevent the buildup of smoke and harmful gases.

Lighting: Ensure the area is well-lit to avoid accidents, especially if you'll be using the BBQ in the evening. Solar lights are great for lighting paths to and from cabins

2. Local Regulations and Permissions

Building Codes: Check with your local authority for any building codes or permits required for installing a BBQ cabin. The two main requirements are that you are not in a conservation area, or that your house is not listed. If neither of these, you are good to go.

3. Environmental Factors

Sunlight and Shade: Position the cabin to take advantage of natural light while also considering the need for shade. Too much sun can make the cabin uncomfortably hot, while too little can make it dark and uninviting.

Wind Direction: Consider the prevailing wind direction to avoid smoke blowing towards seating areas or your home. Position the cabin to shield it from strong winds that could affect cooking. Keeping the door closed solves this truthfully.

Drainage: Choose a location with good drainage to prevent water accumulation around the cabin. Installing a BBQ cabin in a low-lying area prone to flooding can cause structural damage over time.

4. Aesthetic Considerations

Garden Layout: Integrate the cabin into your existing garden layout. It should complement your landscape design and not appear out of place.

Views: Position the cabin to take advantage of the best views in your garden. This enhances the experience for you and your guests.

Privacy: Consider your and your neighbors' privacy. Position the cabin so it doesn't intrude on private spaces.

5. Functionality and Accessibility

Proximity to House: Place the BBQ cabin close enough to your house for convenience, but far enough to avoid smoke and odors infiltrating your home.

Pathways: Ensure there are clear, well-maintained pathways leading to the cabin for easy access. Consider lighting these paths for night-time use.

Utilities: If your BBQ cabin requires electricity, consider the location of existing utilities and the feasibility of extending them to the cabin.

6. Comfort and Usability

Size and Layout: Ensure the cabin is large enough to accommodate your needs. Consider the number of people it will serve, space for cooking equipment, and seating.

Seating Arrangements: Plan for comfortable seating inside and outside the cabin. This can include built-in benches, tables, and chairs.

Storage: Include storage for BBQ tools, wood, and other supplies to keep the area organised and functional.

7. Seasonal Considerations

All-Weather Use: Consider how the cabin will be used throughout the year. Insulation and heating might be necessary for winter use, while ventilation and fans can make it comfortable in summer.

Shelter from Elements: Provide protection from rain, snow, and wind to make the cabin usable in various weather conditions. Remember to stain, and keep the roof clear!

8. Aesthetics and Landscaping Integration

Blending with Nature: Use natural materials and colors that blend with the surrounding landscape. This can make the cabin look like a natural extension of your garden.

Gardening Around the Cabin: Plan for plants and landscaping around the cabin. This can include flower beds, shrubs, or even a vegetable garden to create a harmonious outdoor space.

Lighting and Ambiance: Incorporate outdoor lighting to enhance the ambiance. String lights, lanterns, or garden lights can create a cosy atmosphere.

9. Entertainment and Social Aspects - be prepared to be very popular!

Space for Socialising: Ensure there is enough space for guests to gather and socialise. This could include a patio or deck adjacent to the cabin.

Outdoor Kitchen: Consider integrating an outdoor kitchen with the BBQ cabin for a complete outdoor cooking and dining experience.

Entertainment Options: Think about adding features like a sound system, television, or even extending to have a small bar to make the cabin a focal point for gatherings.

10. Maintenance and Durability

Regular Upkeep: Plan for regular maintenance to keep the cabin in good condition. This includes cleaning, staining/painting, and checking for any structural issues.

11. Cost and Budget

Initial Cost: Determine your budget for the BBQ cabin, including construction, utilities, and landscaping.

Ongoing Expenses: Consider ongoing costs such as maintenance, utilities, and any additional landscaping.

We hope this has helped with choosing where you would like your cabin to go in your garden. We cannot wait to see you here at the show site so you can 'try on' which cabin is best for you.

01738 850203
